A few weeks ago, you might remember that I ran an article from a DJ who admitted he’d been doing plague raves. To cut a long story short, his agency found out, contacted me and made a list of demands. My considered legal response was to tell them to stick it up their arses.

Naturally enough, any attempt to get me to back off results in the opposite effect – and I started doing some digging into the agency. I discovered that they put on an entire event in Tulum, and that contact tracers working in the area discovered a large number of coronavirus cases reported attending the event.

I was going to report the story shortly. However, I’ve been contacted by a group of solicitors in Mexico who are in the early stages of taking legal action against the agency. Hence why I’ve decided not to reveal the name of the DJ agency for the time being.

As for the agency? They put the phone down when I called yesterday for comment, but not before I heard someone shouting “f**k off” in the background…

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.

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