Even by the hopelessly low standards of the Johnson administration, this is one mystery that has me scratching my head. And judging by recent developments – such as the Kendall Calling festival cancelling this year’s event, despite being after the latest date the government have plucked out of their arses for releasing lockdown – I’m not the only one.

Their statement, which you can read here, reveals the reason for the postponement is the delay in releasing reports for the government’s much publicised Events Research Programme. A number of test events have been taking place across England – Yousef’s big night out in Liverpool was one – to determine what the risk of spreading coronavirus actually is at large events.

The first sets of results were supposed to have been published by now. From what I understand, the government were due to receive the first set at the start of June, with publication to follow shortly afterwards.

But there’s no sign of them. Sadly, my enquiries are leading nowhere on this – indeed, one source was even questioning whether the government had even received the reports yet. If true, this would go some way towards explaining why the Prime Minister delayed the original “Freedom Day” for England – it was originally due to be today.

Some months ago, I asked myself why Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were running their own test events. It makes a lot more sense now…

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.

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