Good grief, Duane.

It’s not the scale of delusion in the above Facebook page that bothers me. This is something that I’ve come to expect and as such, doesn’t surprise me in the least. Sterling Covid genuinely does believe that he was once at the top of the dance music tree, even though the only thing he’s ever produced – and in the right key too – was a fart.

It’s not even the fact the whole thing is written in capital letters. He’s not the only one who does this out there, and as far as online etiquette sins go is pretty far down the list.

No, it’s the fact that Sterling appears completely devoid of the ability to use the full stop. It’s an incredibly useful function in the English language, along with pretty much every other language in existence. It allows you to turn any paragraph into bite-sized little things that are called sentences.

These, in turn, allow the reader to actually breathe and reduce the opportunity of them collapsing in a hypoxia induced coma.

By the way, where is this interview, Duane? I know you used to avidly read my Facebook page – and I’ve no doubt you’ll be a keen visitor to this site too. My sources tell me it has yet to appear anywhere that they’re aware of – so please do tell me when it’s happening. Special prize* if you manage to cry or say something along the lines of “I’m a good person but the drugs made me do bad things”…

* Prize not included. No $24 for an Uber cash alternative available.

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.

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