Different areas of the world are resorting to varying tactics to persuade people to have the Covid-19 vaccine. None more so than in the USA, where in Ohio, anyone who’s had the vaccine is eligible to enter a lottery with a weekly jackpot of $1million.
The most novel I’ve seen yet is in the US state of Washington. Between now and July 12th, anyone getting their coronavirus jab from an in-store vaccination clinic will be entitled to receive one pre-rolled marijuana joint. More details courtesy of CNN here.
I’ve had both of my vaccines now – meaning I have lots of protection from coronavirus, but had no phone call from Bill Gates to enquire about my bowel movements and no 5G being emitted from my head either.
I was fine after my second jab, but the first knocked me out for nearly 24 hours. At least if I’d been on cannabis, I might have been too stoned to notice.
Still, it might be worth doing that here, especially with the anti-vaxxers. Am I the only one who’s noticed that you never meet a smiling, cheerful one?