It’s no secret that this blog’s patience with the #ForTheMusic campaign has been stretched to breaking point recently. For the past few weeks, I have asked questions about why the movement appears to have gone silent and failed to gain traction despite having Rebekah and her big social media base on board.

And earlier this week, I asked a pointed question. Over six weeks ago, Rebekah promised more news about the campaign was “coming soon” and that things had been going on behind the scenes. My question was simply – where is this news we have been promised? Or has Rebekah been so busy travelling around Europe that she’s forgotten about what she started?

Well, someone somewhere is listening – because today, I have at least an attempt at an answer to the question. Because Rebekah Teasdale is going to speak with Sacha Wall, who’s also closely involved with the moment, tomorrow…

The blurb on the site says “In this conversation, we talk frankly about the Morillo revelations, and question why the deafening silence from those with influence? Why the continued glorifying after his death, and why we should all be willing to stand up for true respect and equality, within our global community to create real change.”

How much the #ForTheMusic movement will be mentioned remains unclear. It’s being broadcast live at 6pm UK time tomorrow night. So we don’t have long to wait. Either way, it’s time for the heads of this important movement to start delivering…

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.