This post might get a bit of a backlash, but I feel there are some things that need to be said here. Firstly, here’s what Kristen Knight posted on her Instagram page on Tuesday.

Who’s Kristen Knight, you might ask? A pretty talented DJ, as it happens. She’s the girlfriend of Roger Sanchez and has been for quite some time. She is also the woman who alleged that Erick Morillo raped her in December 2019 – and before anyone points out there are laws against identifying the victims of rape, she identified herself as the person in question a while ago.

Incidentally, given what I’ve learnt from looking quite extensively into Erick Morillo after his death, I happen to be in absolutely no doubt that her allegations are true. I just feel sad that she won’t get to see him squirm in court.

She posted on Instagram that “I was just removed from a line up because I’m the survivor of sexual assault by a famous person”.

The lack of information here is a problem. She could well be telling the truth here – but how can anyone verify this? I want to believe her, but this kind of post doesn’t help anyone. If you’re going to “put someone on blast”, to use the modern expression, you’ve got to be prepared to go all out, all guns blazing.

This vagueness is no good. Not only do we not know who it actually is, but the eye of suspicion will be on all the clubs that have booked here for future appearances – and given that Covid-19 had made drastically restricted clubbing for the foreseeable future, there won’t be much to narrow down.

As much as I sympathise with the terrible crime that Knight was a victim of, I can’t help but worry that this will just make things worse. Clubbing is slowly becoming less male dominated, but this is a process of evolution rather than revolution. That’s not necessarily right, but that’s how humanity tends to proceed.

This just looks like a shot in the foot. And unless details are forthcoming soon, that blood splatter is going to get bigger.

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.

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