Whitney Wei is keen to go down in history as someone who’s made things just a little bit better than they were before she came along. It appears that Resident Advisor’s new editor in chief isn’t content with just being, well, the new editor in chief at Resident Advisor. Doing one job and doing it well, it appears, is simply not enough.

Right now, Wei is certainly on a mission. According to her own Instagram page, she wishes to “raise the calibre of music journalism”. To help do this, she “filmed a spot for Tag Der ClubKultur”, a programme currently running in Berlin.

It’s all part of a promo for these grants of €10,000 for clubs and collectives across the German capital. And no, before anyone asks me, I haven’t got the faintest idea what this has to do with “raising the calibre of music journalism” either.

Whilst I applaud the enthusiasm and desire which Wei has to improve music journalism – much of it could hardly be worse, could it? – a quick word of advice. Get your own house in order first. It adds credibility to your message.

For example, that appallingly written article claiming Scotland has reopened for the first time in two years is still up on the website that you edit, exactly as it was when first published. Editors are meant to edit, Whitney…

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.