Record labels attract some of the pettiest people alive. I luckily never came across them during my five years of releasing music – but I heard no end of stories from others who weren’t as fortunate. And since I decided to make a proper go of this blog, I’ve been told a hell of a lot more stories of dodgy behaviour from labels.

This one’s somewhere in the middle as far as levels of pettiness are concerned. The self-appointed baron of techno Dave Clarke posted yesterday on Facebook about his notorious Archive One release. This 11-track album first came out on Bush and Deconstruction in February 1996 – but anyone wanting to listen to it today has very limited options.

A quick search of the internet reveals its availability is extremely limited on the streaming platforms and entirely non-existent on the download stores – or pay through the nose for an original copy of the CD or vinyl. The album was released via Deconstruction and Bush Records – and Clarke is keen to emphasise that “any issues about releasing this have not come down to Deconstruction, they accounted to me throughout and honoured the contract”.

With Clarke later mentioning issues with his Red series of releases across 1994 and 1995, he appears to be suggesting the problem lies with Bush Records. Clarke also adds he and his team “offered a much bigger amount of money than they ever paid me to get the music I made” and references a court case which took place due to “accounting issues” after the album was released.

Bush Records have been contacted for comment, but haven’t responded ahead of publication.

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.