I’ve recently been taking a look at what DJs have been doing during the pandemic to keep themselves busy. So far, the answers have been positively dull. Sasha spent it baking bread, John Digweed spent it doing even less. Boring!

So it was inevitable that I was going to ask what Derrick May did during lockdown. Well, you might remember that during those first lockdowns last March and April, a lot of people turned to DIY. What better chance to put up that book shelf, or paint a tired looking bedroom?

Not Derrick May. He undertook substantial renovations of his house. He had his bathroom totally replaced. His bedroom was redecorated, the decking outside was painted, his swimming pool was cleaned for the first time in years and lots of new planting was put in.

Sure enough, May got his friends to do almost all of the work, later inviting them to BBQs where he could spend yet more of his time protesting about how he was as pure as driven snow.

The work is estimated to have cost May a figure substantially in four figures just for the materials alone. This must be food for thought for Mr Kyle Dupuy, his solicitor for his abandoned legal action against Michael James. Sources are telling me that May’s bill remains unpaid…

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.

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