Time now for an update on Kenny Thomas. As you might remember, Thomas was admitted to hospital after getting a real battering at the hands of Covid-19 earlier this month. And although he was discharged a few days later to continue his recovery at home, news has been in short supply since.

Until now. The man himself has made an appearance, posting on Facebook that “Just want to say a massive thank you to all of you who have posted and sent me messages over the last 3 weeks. I’m very slowly getting a bit stronger everyday despite the kicking I received from Covid. It’s been one hell of ride.”.

Confirming that he’ll be back on the road “doing a few live shows in November”, he even cracked the joke that “[I] was thinking of asking Alexander O’Neal if I can borrow the four poster bed he used to have on stage in the 80s just in case I need a quick lay down in between songs.”.

I laughed. I wish you well on your continued recovery from this wretched virus, Kenny.

Tomorrow’s going to look somewhat different than normal here on Amateur’s House. Expect lots of Halloween themed content – including a tour of the Transmat House of Horrors. It all starts tomorrow at 9am with some music to get you in the mood for trick or treating…

By The Editor

Editor-in-chief at Amateur’s House.