To borrow and somewhat tweak a line from classic BBC comedy The Fast Show – this week, Simon Dunmore has been mostly eating. Over the weekend, he seems to have decided to cook an entire cow – much to the amoosement of his followers.
And yesterday, he posted another picture on his Instagram account of him eating… a fish. Oh, and lots of lemon.
Quite why the Defected boss has recently taken to posting pictures of his dinners remains something of a mystery at the moment. Admittedly, it’s one that I’m making next to no effort to resolve, but perhaps it’s something to do with his announcement on Monday that the label’s staff are going to be back in their offices from September 1st.
It might also be to do with Dunmore’s love of the high life. One source who’s worked with Defected in the past told me recently that “Simon’s the type of person who believes in celebrating every success you get in life. Leaving AM:PM and branching out on his own scarred him in the early days of Defected, and he’s been the same ever since”.
Of course, to anyone who knows him, none of this is news. A source who worked with him in his AM:PM days told me “Simon’s always had a taste for the high life. Whenever he wanted to get a deal over the line, he often took people out to dinner. He must have known where every restaurant within a 5-mile radius of AM:PM’s offices were – the budgets there were huge and a lot of us basically dined out at their expense.”
One can only wonder what the cooking facilities at their revamped offices are like – but a quick Google search of the restaurants near their trendy Shoreditch HQ reveals a lot of choices…